Data ProductsΒΆ

The following data products related to this package are available for download from SLAC:

Filename Size (Mb) Description
OneDegSq.fits.gz 81.4 Input LSST DM galaxy catalog covering 1 sq.deg.
LSST_i.fits.gz 235.0 Simulated LSST i-band at full depth covering 1 chip
LSST_r.fits.gz 282.9 Simulated LSST r-band at full depth covering 1 chip
DES_i.fits.gz 77.4 Simulated DES i-band at full depth covering same area
DES_r.fits.gz 85.0 Simulated DES r-band at full depth covering same area
LSST_i_trimmed.fits.gz 27.3 Trimmed simulation results without per-object datacubes
LSST_r_trimmed.fits.gz 30.8 Trimmed simulation results without per-object datacubes
DES_i_trimmed.fits.gz 11.9 Trimmed simulation results without per-object datacubes
DES_r_trimmed.fits.gz 12.9 Trimmed simulation results without per-object datacubes

All files are in compressed FITS format and should be uncompressed after downloading:

gunzip *.fits.gz

The commands used to generate the OneDegSq.fits catalog are described here. The following commands were used to run the LSST and DES simulations:

nohup ./ --catalog-name OneDegSq.fits --survey-name LSST --filter-band i --output-name LSST_i > LSST_i.log &
nohup ./ --catalog-name OneDegSq.fits --survey-name LSST --filter-band r --output-name LSST_r > LSST_r.log &
nohup ./ --catalog-name OneDegSq.fits --survey-name DES --filter-band i --output-name DES_i > DES_i.log &
nohup ./ --catalog-name OneDegSq.fits --survey-name DES --filter-band r --output-name DES_r > DES_r.log &

The resulting FITS files were then trimmed to remove the individual object datacubes using:

for name in ('LSST_i','LSST_r','DES_i','DES_r'):
        hdus ='.fits')
        del hdus[2:]